Warm Weather Hazards

As we begin the summer months, take a look at these warm weather hazards to protect your pet from the heat:


-can be caused by stress, eating things that they shouldn’t, intestinal parasites, or infection

-exam recommended first, especially if diarrhea is bloody and/or accompanied by vomiting, lethargy, and/or retching. Animals can become dehydrated if diarrhea persists.

-owners can try a bland diet of boiled hamburger or rice or get a specific GI diet from clinic.

Heat exhaustion/heat stroke

-Older dogs, dogs with dark colored fur, and dogs with short noses (brachycephalic) are most at risk.

-Signs: excessive panting, bright red or pale gums, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, unconsciousness

-what to do: if conscious, move the pet to a shady area immediately. Pour cool water on the abdomen and feet. Take temperature-if over 105, get to a vet immediately. If loss of consciousness, pet needs to be seen by a vet immediately.

-Don’t exercise pets during the hottest part of the day. Early mornings and evenings are usually the best time for walks during the hot and humid summer days.

-Have adequate access to air conditioning or fans.

Noise Anxiety

-This time of year, most common anxiety inducers are fireworks and thunderstorms.

-For mild anxiety, dogs can be placed in an interior room with the radio or t.v. playing. Thundershirts may also benefit some dogs. Adaptil (dog pheromone) can also help with mild anxiety.

-Distractive or interactive toys can take the focus off the stressor.

-For more heightened anxiety, safe medications are available. Need prescription from doctor.

-Please don’t let dogs suffer from anxiety. No shame in asking for medication!

Insect Bites/Stings

-Symptoms: Swollen lips, muzzle or eyelids, hives over the body, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea.

-Should been seen by vet as soon as possible for treatment.

-Good idea to have regular Benadryl on hand for continued treatment.